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Buffalo, Minnesota 55313
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All Categories > Driven Tools Products > Von RudenĀ® Driven Tooling > Von RudenĀ® Manufacturing (VRM) DMG MORI > DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) Rotary Tool Machine Spindles > View Items  

DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) Rotary Tool Machine Spindles

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Item #

Item Name



Dimension A

Dimension C

DT10611203811 DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 60 Inch (in) Dimension A Rotary Tool Machine Spindle Straight ER-20 60 mm 62 mm
DT10611203823 DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 70 Inch (in) Dimension A and 500 Pound Per Square Inch (psi) Internal Coolant Pressure Rotary Tool Machine Spindle Straight ER-20 70 mm 77 mm
DT10611303811 DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 60 Inch (in) Dimension A Rotary Tool Machine Spindle Straight ER-25 60 mm 62 mm
DT10611303823 DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 70 Inch (in) Dimension A and 500 Pound Per Square Inch (psi) Internal Coolant Pressure Rotary Tool Machine Spindle Straight ER-25 70 mm 77 mm
DT10611403811 DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 60 Inch (in) Dimension A Rotary Tool Machine Spindle Straight ER-32 60 mm 62 mm
DT10611403823 DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 78 Inch (in) Dimension A and 500 Pound Per Square Inch (psi) Internal Coolant Pressure Rotary Tool Machine Spindle Straight ER-32 78 mm 85 mm
  Results 1 - 6 of 6 1