Von Ruden Manufacturing, Inc.
1008 First Street NE PO Box 699 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Phone: 763.682.3122 • Fax: 763.682.3954 Email:sales@vonruden.com
DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 70 Inch (in) Dimension A and 500 Pound Per Square Inch (psi) Internal Coolant Pressure Rotary Tool Machine Spindle
DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 70 Inch (in) Dimension A and 500 Pound Per Square Inch (psi) Internal Coolant Pressure Rotary Tool Machine Spindle
DMG MORI Straight Outside Diameter (OD) 78 Inch (in) Dimension A and 500 Pound Per Square Inch (psi) Internal Coolant Pressure Rotary Tool Machine Spindle